Facing termination isn’t easy. It brings with it multiple worries like finding another job or handling finances. It can be an extremely stressful phase in our lives. Sometimes we might find ourselves wondering why we were terminated in the first place. If you feel that you have been terminated without a cause or you don’t agree with the reason, you need to reach out to the law. Stacey R. Ball is one of the most reputable lawyers in the field of employment law. Whether it is wrongful termination or non-compensation, he will be there by your side and help you in your fight for your right. If you are confused about what falls in the jurisdiction of employment law, we are here to tell you about it.

Unjust Dismissal

Dismissal is considered to be unjust as per the Canada Labour Code when you are federally regulated and a non-unionized employee Read the rest

Conveyancing in Melbourne – A Quick Guide for Beginners

Conveyancing in Melbourne – A Quick Guide for Beginners

Are you unfamiliar with the legal processes involved in buying or selling property? Are you looking for a quick guide on conveyancing in Melbourne so that you can get a basic understanding of what it is and how to navigate it to achieve the best result? This article contains useful information for beginners to get started, including what conveyancers can do, how long the process takes and how much it costs. You’ll also find tips on how to find a trusted conveyancer.

What is Conveyancing?

Conveyancing refers to the legal processes and requirements involved in the transaction of land or property between sellers and buyers. These parties need to meet and fulfil certain obligations in order to complete the transaction lawfully, including correctly preparing and submitting relevant paperwork. The conveyancing process can be overseen and assisted by a professional conveyancer who has expertise and experience with the laws surrounding property Read the rest

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